Rabu, 26 September 2018

10 Facts About Indonesian Food

Did you already know about country calls Indonesia ? I wish you did, hehe, or not at all ? Okay at least, have you ever hear about BALI ? Yes, that is holiday island destination.

In fact Bali is only one of the thousand island in Indonesia.

If you have any  plan to visit this country, better stay read more, or keep reading for your knowledge about this beauty small part in the earth.

Then, have a nice travel everyone !

1. Almost all foods in Indonesia use red union, garlic, pepper, coriander seeds / parsley, and Chili as main ingredient of cooking spices.
credit https://resepalamiah.files.wordpress.com/

2. There are many kind of foods and drinks using coconut milk.
credit : http://cdn2.tstatic.net/jabar/

3. If you loves curry, I recommended you try "Opor ayam" this main food serve on official holidays in Islam as eid al-fitr and eid al-adha.
credit http://kueresep.com

4. Water is not free, big restaurans or small restaurants provide paid bottled mineral water. Another chance waiters would ask you what prefer you like to drink ice tea or lemon ice.
credit http://updatewew.blogspot.com/

5. Sambal is the majority and popular souce in Indonesia, you also can get ketchap or mayonaise if you want, just ask the waiters.
credit https://cdn.idntimes.com/

6. KERUPUK looks like crekers, so much kind of them Made from wheat, shirm, fish, even fish Bone. Local people eat kerupuk with rice and soups.
 credit http://www.ayobekasi.com/wp-

7. If you in the restaurants or any place for foods in Indonesia don't ask waiters for ketchap, but please say Tomato souce or saos tomat (local language). If you keep said ketchap, oh dear they Will bring you sweet soy souce.
kredit http://tokodbk.com/

8. Don't got surprise of you visit small restaurants then they use rolling tissues. Local people just do not know how itu use to be in another country.
credit http://www.ayogrosir.com/

9. One piece chicken eaten by one person,  also local person add one piece of rice too. Wanna proof this? Go ahead to KFC or McDonald's then see their list menu.
credit http://www.kfcku.com/

10. Fact, Indonesia people prefer to strawberry fanta than orange fanta. Have you ever try ?
credit https://image1ws.indotrading.com/s3/productimages/c

see you on the next post
pai pai

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